Howe Caverns Humanities & Connections

Today, Kaily met this amazing group of friends (left to right) Justin, Lindsay, Darius, Aimee, Leah, and Christine from Albany, New York. Lindsay works in finance, Justin is a college professor, Darius is a school administrator, Aimee works in health, Leah is a certified public accountant, and Christine is in work force development. They were here to celebrate Lindsay’s birthday. Tomorrow, she turns 37. She visited the cave when she was a child and really liked it so she decided to come back. This whole group enjoys travel and do it frequently; from small adventures like hiking to road trips to thrilling adventures like skydiving, which Justin did! Leah said, “I just got on a plane once and ended up in New Zealand!” This friend group met each other through the sport of curling. Curling is a winter sport in which you slide granite stones on ice toward a target. The goal is to score more points than the other team by getting your stones close to the center of the target.
When asked what they wanted to tell the world, they said:
Darius: “Never be the smartest person in the room.”
Justin’s dad always says, “Have fun. Be safe.”
Aimee said, ”If everything were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs”
Happy Birthday, Lindsay!
Thank you so much for visiting!

Travis met and chatted with Kevin and Jill from Queens, New York today. They were both born and raised in the city and have lived there their whole lives. Kevin was born in Queens and Jill, in Brooklyn. They met about 13 years ago through mutual friends. They started dating not too long after they met and married nine years ago. They have three beautiful children; two boys and a girl. Kevin is an inbound manager for a provision company and Jill just recently got a job as a special education teachers assistant. This week is Jill’s birthday week and she really wanted to do something fun to celebrate. She searched for fun adventures to do in NY other than water parks and came across Howe Caverns. She figured it would be the perfect place to visit because it’s something they have never done before. They had a blast and plan to bring their 3 children to visit over spring break for their daughter’s birthday. She said it was the best little “birthday/valentines weekend getaway”. Their favorite part of the tour was when their tour guide turned off the lights and they experienced the cave in total darkness. They couldn’t believe how dark it really is in the cave. Thank you two so much for visiting and spending your day with us! Have a cave-tastic birthday, Jill!

Meet Destiny and Tristan from Alaska. They are celebrating their one year wedding anniversary! The couple met through a mutual friend. They are minimalists and believe that less is more. They said, “Sustainable living is so important, not only for the environment but also for your soul. Living a minimalistic lifestyle actually brings us more joy than any monetary means could. It helps us to slow down and brings us closer together. We’d rather be making memories together than living in a get-rich mindset.” They both feel at home connecting with nature. As a child, Tristan‘s mom started a “farm babysitting” business. Farmers would hire his family to come and caretake their land and animals when they had to travel. One day, while living in an old hunting cabin that was strictly heated by wood, they saw an ad in a newspaper that they were using to start the fire with, for the sale of a zoo in Rome New York. Out of curiosity, they reached out to see how much the seller was willing to sell the zoo for. Tristan’s father has a degree in zoology and in pharmaceutical biology. His mother not only ran the farm babysitting business but also an animal hospital. The seller was more than an obliged to sell to the right family. On May 5th 2019, they were asked to come and run the zoo and officially bought it. Tristan and Destiny have just moved from Alaska and they are on their way to Rome to help their family run the zoo. They aspire to be the next generation to share the zoo’s educational experiences and connections to nature with their surrounding communities. One of the hardest parts of their relationship has been enduring the Alaskan wilderness. They believe if they can do that together, they can do anything. They said, “Communication is everything to us. It’s not us against each other. It’s us working to find a solution to the problem.” The one thing they want to tell the world is, “Those who carry the brightest torches have wandered through the darkest caves; meaning, those who have seen or been through hell in their lives, have found the light and have found their way out, to make the world a better place and are better for it. There are places you can go where money can’t save you. When working with nature, we must replace everything that we take. We must be mindful of how our impact on the earth now will affect the earth for future generations. Don’t be selfish. Be selfless.” Wise words! Happy Anniversary, Destiny & Tristan!
Thank you for visiting
For more information about the zoo or to visit

Meet Karen and Jeffrey from Connecticut. Nineteen years ago, Jeff proposed to Karen right here at our motel! Yesterday (28 January) was their 18th wedding anniversary!
This a second marriage for them both. They have known each other for 45 years. Their first date was at a local pub. After the date, they went their separate ways. Every time she watched Walker Texas Ranger, with Chuck Norris, it would remind her of Jeff. She would end up calling him and they would talk for hours. She said, “I was the one who did the pursuing. I knew that he was a really wonderful man and that I wanted him in my life.” Jeff said, “ It was a little awkward at first. I was really good friends with her ex-husband and she was really good friends with my ex-wife. We are both pretty similar. We keep it simple and there’s not very much complicated in our lives. We get along very well.” Karen’s favorite thing about Jeff is that he has the biggest heart and he is always generous. Jeff’s favorite thing about Karen is that she is always grateful for every little thing. He would say that she’s the best wife ever! She would say that he’s the best husband ever! They really do believe that they have a wonderful marriage. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “It’s so important to slow life down and take the time to soak it in. Don’t forget to be good to each other.” Happiest of anniversaries, Karen and Jeff! We are so excited that you came back to celebrate with us! Thank you for visiting!

Meet Sherry and Tony from the Bay Area, California. They were married on Valentine’s Day 21 years ago. They both have lived all over the globe. Tony grew up in the restaurant industry. In 1975, Tony’s father became an entrepreneur and opened his own a restaurant which became the fabric of their family. Two years ago, Tony’s father passed away and the couple inherited his restaurant. The couple had owned their own restaurant prior to his father’s passing. They didn’t let that stop them from pivoting the businesses into sustainable establishments for their community. Today, they share the responsibility of owning multiple restaurants together. They said, “The industry is fast paced, can be volatile, and is constantly changing. If you can work in the restaurant industry, you can work anywhere. You learn to think quickly to find solutions. It’s not something you can learn in any other environment.” The hardest part of their relationship is that they are constantly together. The way they navigate that is through compromise. Compromise is an absolute must when you’re married to your business partner. Years ago, Tony’s family lost his only sibling, his younger sister, Katherine, to addiction. His father decided that he wanted to take action and help those struggling with addiction. He created a substance abuse recovery center in honor of his daughter. Today, Sherry and Tony still own and operate the facility with an amazing team of trained professionals. They said, “One of the best things that you can possibly do for your children is to be present. Ask a lot of questions. Be interested in their lives. There are a lot of factors that come into play with addiction. Helping to educate and prevent it at a young age, is one of the best tools to offer future generations. Being present plays a profound role in that prevention.” The couple told stories of traveling the world with their three beautiful daughters and Tony playing American football in other countries. They said, “The best form of education you can give your children is to get them out of their comfort zone and experience as much of the world as you possibly can with them.” Sherry’s favorite thing about Tony is that he’s incredibly brilliant and it doesn’t take him long to find the solution to problems. He’s also a wealth of worldly knowledge. Tony‘s favorite thing about Sherry is that she has a gorgeous smile and wonderful sense of humor. They are best friends and no matter where they are they always have great time together. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “When we go sliding through the pearly gates of Heaven in a great big cloud of dust, we want to look at God and say, “Thank you! We used it all up!” Your life is an absolutely amazing gift. Live your life to its absolute fullest and don’t waste one second, one moment, one breath.” Thank you for visiting and sharing your story. You’re doing absolutely incredible work with your lives. One day at a time, one life at a time

Today, Kaily met (left to right) Li, Lucy, and Sunny from Taiwan
Sunny now lives locally, Lucy lives in Huston, Texas, and Li lives in Toronto, Canada! Sunny is a flight instructor and Lucy is a pilot! Li is studying tool design in Toronto. Their families are all in Taiwan so these three friends decided to celebrate the Lunar New Year together in New York! The Lunar New Year is the celebration of the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar calendar. This is the Year of The Snake
Wishing you abundance, health, and happiness in the Lunar New Year. Thank you so much for visiting

Meet Curt and Vickie from everywhere! Possibly the most adventurous couple on the planet! Home is where their family and their heart is. At times, that can be anywhere on the planet! The couple has traveled around the world twice over and they aren’t done yet. Curt is a college math professor and historian at Pennsylvania College of technology. Vickie is a nurse. The couple has been together for 32 years and married for 25. They hold a wealth of talents together. The two both grew up in military families, and are accustomed to adapting and overcoming. While growing up and traveling with his military family Curt went to 18 different schools, 24 different times. Amazingly, the tip of the iceberg of his adventures have been: living in Hawaii, hiking the Pyrenees mountains in France, taking the Camino pilgrimage in Spain, and being one of the first to explore a newly discovered Mayan cave located in Chiapas, Mexico. Vickie is equally as adventurous and is literally a walking miracle. At 19 years old, while working for the US Army in Germany, she was playing a game of softball with her peers. When running from first base to second, she collapsed, had a heart attack and died. The military called her family and told them not to get on a plane. While she was in the hospital on life support, the outlook did not look promising and they were sure they most likely would be sending her home deceased. She spent weeks on life support in the hospital. While there, they discovered that she had a rare birth defect in her heart. They rebuilt her heart and today she is living a life, that most can only dream of. The couple credits many of their adventures to their beautiful daughter, who is a pilot, first captain assistant, and first mate on a yacht that travels the world. Their daughter often hires them to work on the yacht, giving them the opportunity to spend time as a family, creating adventures for others and living out their adventures as well. Every May, the couple moves to traveling by horseback. They head to Wyoming and become ranchers for two weeks, moving 3,000 head of cattle, from the winter to summer pastures. They are on horseback 12 to 16 hours out of the day. Their adventures go far beyond what our small interview could obtain in one sitting. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “Our one common ground as human beings is the want to love and be loved. If you can be anything in this life be love!” Thank you so much for visiting and thank you for sharing your amazing stories with us! Please, do the world a favor and write a book! Travel with love.

Meet Mary, an upstate New York Dairy Farmer. She was born in the Adirondacks and is currently living at the mouth of the Catskill Mountains. She’s the manager of Family Farmstead Dairy in Worcester, New York. She is passionate about her mission and believes in what her team does. Farmstead believes that everything should be kept as natural as possible and is driven by the grace and love of God. It’s, literally, the building block of everything that they do. It is not a small operation either which means her and her team’s hands are full. You can find their products all over the Northeast and even in Virginia. Their products are carried in Whole Foods Markets, Adams Fairacre Farms, Fresh Direct and more. As a young girl, dairy farming was not something she ever thought she would be a part of. A couple of her siblings were working for the farm and said to her, “It’s a great place to work. You should come over and see what it’s about.” Some of those same siblings were here, visiting with her today, and said, “She is exactly where she supposed to be. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about the dairy industry and what she is doing. While she is new to management, she is definitely going to flourish.” She said, “It’s kind of funny that we all make plans with our lives, but then God hands us a different plan; one that is meant to be our purpose.” Dairy farming is not an easy industry. American dairy Farms have decreased 95% since the 1970’s. This is due to the fact that the cost of farming often supersedes the cost of profit. Family-run generational farming is a part of our American heritage and history and some farmers choose to tough it out. If you want to help farms like Family Farmstead, you can do so by simply keeping an eye out in the market and choosing to purchase and support small business and family-owned farms, when you have the opportunity. The one thing Mary wants to tell the world is, “For God so loved the world….You are loved.” Thank you so much for visiting and sharing your story!
Keep going, Mary! You’ve got this!

Meet Dennis, Deborah and Fabio! Dennis is from Ghent, New York. Deborah and Fabio are from Murano, an island in Venice, Italy.Dennis is a former Christian monk and met the couple years ago while working in Italy. Today they consider themselves family. Murano is world renowned for its glassmaking. Venice was the leading glassmaking empire in the 8th century. In 1291, a law was passed that required all glassmakers in Venice to move to Murano. The move was intended to protect Venice from fires caused by glass furnaces but some historians believe the move was intended to isolate glassmakers so they couldn’t share trade secrets. Glassmakers were highly valued and enjoyed privileges like immunity from prosecution. Deborah was born on the island and comes from many generations of glassmakers. Fabio was born in Venice and began his career has a glassmaker when he was 18. The two met when Fabio moved to the island as an apprentice at just 18 years old. That is not only when their glassmaking journey begin, but when their love story began. They are each other’s first loves and pray to be each other’s last. They have been together for 40 years. On March 10th, they will have been married for 36 years. Fabio spent his life working alongside some of the best glass makers in history. He currently works for a furnace that has done work for many world renowned Italian companies, such Armani, Hermes, Versace, and others. Deborah learned the art through her father and she now owns her own store on the island. She said, “Glass blowing is a difficult life. Especially when you are on an island. The island is quiet and safe island although the cost of living is quite more expensive. Everything, including simple life necessities, must be transported to the island. We have a very small community. We all know each other and we all share the good and bad together. At times, because of the tides, the island is almost completely underwater, such as the floods of 2019. At times like those, our community comes together. We have to. We have to help each other rebuild.” The couple travels home back to Murano in two days. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “Love yourself first. Everything else will come. You can do anything you set your mind to.” Thank you so much for visiting!
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Meet Liza and Stephan from Dutchess County, New York. They were both born and raised in Queens, New York. While growing up, they frequented the same parts of NYC and Staten Island. However, if they crossed each other’s paths during their youth they were unaware. They also both work in the IT Industry. Liza currently lives in Dutchess County, New York and Stephan lives in Massachusetts. Whenever he is not working, Dutchess County is their home base. Dutchess County sits just an hour and a half north of NYC and is rich with natural beauty, history, and culture. While their roots are in the city, they are enjoying the serenity of living just outside it. They said, “Sometimes you just know that you are right where you belong.” The couple met a little over a year ago and have been dating long-distance ever since. The couple was an adventure date, staying at a place called Post Card Cabins, in the Catskill Mountains. They make their time together a priority. The hardest part of their relationship is the distance. Good communication is important when they are not in close proximity to each other. They pride themselves on being able to communicate well and the distance allows them the opportunity to nurture that aspect of their relationship. Stephan’s favorite thing about Liza is that she is strong in her moral character. She is family-oriented and he greatly respects that about her. Liza’s favorite thing about Stephan is that he is creative and a solution finder. He is brilliant when it comes to working with his hands and loves a good adventure in nature. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “The world is always in a hurry. We are all so concerned with what’s next and what’s the next best thing. Slow down. Be present in the moment and take some time to appreciate it. Gratitude changes everything.”
Thank you so much for visiting

Meet Sophie (in the center wearing the white jacket) and her beautiful family from near the Baltic Sea of Germany.
She’s currently celebrating her birthday! She and her children are playing a wonderful little game this year! They each take turns choosing a lottery ticket and scratching it. They aren’t just any lottery ticket, they are special lottery tickets. You don’t win money, you get suggestions for adventures in the United States. That’s how this beautiful family landed on our doorstep, hiking up our hill, in a snow storm! (Don’t worry. We saw them and picked them up, and brought them up to their warm motel room) Sophie is a German diplomat that specializes in communication. She and her children are stationed in a different country every four years. They are currently living in New York City but they have also lived in China, Japan, and Taiwan. There is an older son not shown in this photo as he stayed home today. Sophie’s brother, in Germany, was unable to make the trip but sent his wife in his place to celebrate her birthday with Sophie and the children. Five years ago, was widowed and the children unexpectedly lost their father. Sophie says, “Although time marches on, things never get easier. We have just gotten better at adapting and overcoming. Life does not stop. You have to learn how to carry your grief a little at a time and always remember that this life is such a beautiful gift. My husband left me five beautiful children and every time I look at them, I see a little of him. What a wonderful blessing that is! Life will give us highs and lows. We must always look for the silver lining.” The one thing her children want to tell the world is, “Never give up hope. Always believe.” We couldn’t have been more blessed that you scratched off a ticket that brought you to our front door. We are the ones who actually won the lottery! Thank you so very much for visiting. Happiest of Birthdays Sophie.
May this year be your best year yet!

Meet Shuhrat from Bangladesh
She is currently an education major at Westchester University. When she was seven years old, her family moved to the United States, looking for better opportunities. When she graduates, she hopes to teach in primary school as an ESL educator. Her career choice was inspired by Mrs. Hovey, her ESL primary school teacher. The move from Bangladesh to the United States was very hard on her. She struggled with the English language and to fit into the community because of her Muslim heritage. Her peers were not always kind to her. Mrs. Hovey took her under her wing and showed her love, kindness, patience, and compassion. Her teacher went above and beyond; even going over to Shuhrat’s home to have dinner, celebrate Muslim holidays, and learned about her culture. It was then, that Shuhrat knew that she too, wanted to give back to the world in the same way. The one thing she wants to tell the world is, “Do not judge a book by its cover. It’s important to have conversations. You never know where they can lead. We are all beautifully unique and we should all be proud of our differences. That’s what makes the world such an amazing place. We should all remember the importance of coming together as one.. Kindness matters.” Thank you so very much for visiting!

Today, Kaily met Ally and Claude from the western part of New York. Ally has her own home daycare and Claude is a lab courier and does medication delivery. Ally and Claude have known each other for their entire lives. Ally had a huge crush on Claude when they were younger but nothing ever came of it. They lost touch for many years and during that time, Claude married and divorced. A couple of years later, Ally and Claude reconnected on Facebook. After a year and a half of dating, Claude proposed to Ally in front of the Statue of Liberty! Once they married, they were ready to start a family. After five long years of trying, they had their beloved son, Dawson. Ally was very consumed with Dawson because of how long they had struggled to conceive; so much so, that it put a stain on their relationship. Ally and Claude decided to take some time apart but their deep love led them back to one another. They realized that communication and working together is the key to the family dynamic and a beautiful romantic relationship.

Meet nomad Jack and his 2018 Subaru Outback. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and has lived between New York and California for the majority of his life. He is currently living out his lifelong dream of exploring the country. Jack was an architectural consultant. He designed photographic laboratories and then sold them. He loves photography, exploring new places, and meeting new people. He spent 20 years married to the love of his life and has three beautiful children, Angela 39, Benjamin 37 and Maggie 32, all of whom still live in California. The most difficult period in his life was when his marriage ended and he became estranged from his children. He takes full responsibility for the loss of those relationships. He said, “They should’ve been my main priority and unfortunately, at times, they ended up not being. I miss them every day. Even though we are disconnected right now, I am so incredibly proud of them. I’m proud of who they are, what they’ve become, and what they’ve done with their lives.” As a 21 year old, Jack found that his “happy place” was being on the road. In August of last year, he began this road trip. It started in San Francisco. He made his way up to Victoria Canada and then back to the United States. He crossed the country through the northern states. He said the upper peninsula of Michigan was one of the most beautiful places on his trip so far and also where reality began to set in for him. While in New York, he is visiting his 80-year-old mother. The beginning of next week, he will start heading back to California. When asked what he wanted to tell the world he said, “I’d love to quote Rodney King, “Why can’t we all just get along?” Be who you are and let other people be who they. Don’t be so judgmental of others. Just be nice to each other.” Thank you so much for visiting and safe travels back to the east coast

Meet Molly from Long Island. When she was young, her family moved upstate. She recalls coming to Howe Caverns when she was a little girl. Now that she’s a mom, she’s excited to share the adventure of learning with her homeschooled daughter, Nora. Being a Mom is a something that she is very proud of and passionate about. She met her husband, Richard, 15 years ago while they were working at the Paul Mitchell Cosmetology and Beauty School in Schenectady, New York. On their first date they went to dinner and then to movie. Afterward, they spent the rest of the evening immersed in fantastic conversation. They dated for nine years and then decided to start their family. She said that she absolutely loved being pregnant. During her pregnancy, she and Richard decided that they would do everything they could to have a homebirth for Nora. With modern medicine and social norms, home birth comes with pros and cons, along with being a little scary. Molly said that during her labor with Nora, there were a couple of moments when she thought that she may have to give in and go to the hospital. In the end, Nora was born at safely at home. Molly and Richard do the best they can to teach Nora how to live a healthy and sustainable urban life. She said that they even have a few chickens and do a little bit of urban farming. Molly has always enjoyed giving back and she loves teaching. The one thing she wants to tell the world is, “Don’t take one moment of your life for granted. Our time here is a gift. Live with it with intention.” Thank you so much for visiting!

Meet Dan and Brian from Lake George, New York. Today they got engaged here on our magical calcite heart! The couple met about a year and a half ago. On their first date they had such a great time that they have been inseparable ever since. Last year, on Dan’s birthday, they rented place in the Finger Lakes in a rural area. They disconnected from everything and spent time connecting with each other. That time together solidified their relationship for them. For the past few months, Dan has been preparing to propose to Brian on the heart. He wanted to make sure the moment was in a special and memorable place. They are best friends and are so excited to begin the next chapter of their story together. They know that no matter what happens in the world, they always have each other. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “No matter what you’re going through, never give up hope. There is someone out there, that is going to love you as your authentic self.” Congratulations on your engagement
We wish you a lifetime full of happiness & great adventures together!

Meet Ashlyn and Antonio from Massachusetts. Their first date was on “Lucky Friday the 13th of last month, last year!” (one month ago today… December 13th!) They are both artists. Ashlyn loves to paint and draw as a form of emotional expression and creative outlet. She rarely ever shows anyone her work. Her main focus is female portraits. Antonio loves to write music and he is also a welder. The two share a common ground that may have only been discovered for the first time during their interview. While growing up, each of them went through their own battles. Ashlyn was raised by an alcoholic mother and Antonio began living on his own at 16. Independently of each other, they discovered that creating art helped them process their emotions and calm their nervous systems in moments when they did not have the emotional support of their caregivers. In doing so, they learned that love is an inside job and that you must be able to trust and love yourself first. It is your job to nurture yourself and be self-sufficient. They also said, “Forgiveness is key. Our parents did the best they could with what they had at the time they were raising us.” They spoke about spiritual energy and how it is powerful; subconsciously in social psychology, similar energies attract. Their favorite thing about each other right now is watching their relationship organically unfold. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “Live your life passionately. Life is a range of beautiful emotions. If you don’t feel them all you’re not fully living. Your mind is a powerful tool. You are what you think.” Beautiful pearls of wisdom!
Thank you so much for visiting

This is Brooke and her five beautiful children. Her husband, Billy is a New York City firefighter and a fourth generation farmer on Long Island. While working on their family farm in Long Island, Brooke had a bigger dream for her children. She had always wanted to live in upstate New York, own a horse farm, and give her children a little more space to run free. When the pandemic hit, Billy jokingly sent her a text saying, “Now is the time to get that dream started!” She took him seriously and began looking for land. She found a 30 acre horse farm in upstate New York. It had a 20 stall barn and a little three bedroom farmhouse that needed a lot of work. She sat down with Billy and hashed out a plan. They didn’t let the fear of the unknown stop them. She says they promised to never to look at the years. They see the challenges as days and they vowed to fill those days with beautiful memories. Originally, when they started the project, she thought that she would board horses. During that first year, she hosted a community event and saw the positive effects of farm life on the local children. She decided to transition the facility from boarding horses into a space where kids can play, enjoy nature, animals, and farm life. In the past three years, she began hosting some community events. Recently, she hosted an event with the mindset that if she got 100 attendees then it would be a success. The event ended up having 700 attendees! The family is incredibly grateful for the support of their community and hopes that they can leave a beautiful legacy and traditions for future generations. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “Dream Big!” Thank you for visiting!

Is a Sinhalese greeting that means “may you live long”. It’s a common way to greet people in Sri Lanka, and is more than just a “hello.” This is how Betsy was greeted by this beautiful group of four families. The older generation in this photo were born and raised in Sri Lanka while the younger generation was born and is being raised here in Staten Island, New York. Sri Lanka is known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” and the “Teardrop of India”. It is famous for producing the finest teas, rubber, coconut, as well as, exotic spices, and beautiful gemstones. Its unspoiled beaches are loaded with exotic wildlife & breathtaking environments. These beaches are home to some of the most sought after surfing destinations in the world. When I asked the elders of this group why they wanted to immigrate here to the United States, they said that their elders back home in Sri Lanka, spent their whole lives dreaming of living in the United States but never had the opportunity to realize that dream. One of the only ways to immigrate to the United States is by entering and being selected as a recipient of the green card diversity lottery. Each of these four families were selected and awarded the opportunity to immigrate here to the United States approximately 4-6 years ago. Sri Lankans are very family and community oriented. All of them said that they what they miss about home is the people they left behind. The one thing they want to tell the world is, “Family is the most important thing. It is important to spend time with those you love and to be grateful for that time. Never take having the time or loved ones for granted. At some point in our lives we will lose one, the other, or both.” Thank you for your wise words and visiting

Meet Glory & Kyle from Orlando, Florida. Both are Orlando police officers that met through their work three years ago. Tomorrow they are getting married right here in Cobleskill. They have family and friends gathering together from all over the country, including Puerto Rico, for their wedding! Kyle was born and raised in Cobleskill and Glory was born and raised in Puerto Rico. They said that they travelled from Florida to get married here because the Schoharie Valley is absolutely gorgeous this time of year. May you be blessed by a lifetime full of good health, love, and happiness.
Thank you so much for visiting
Traditional Cave Tours
Whether you live in New York, want to take a day trip, or are looking for a fun affordable overnight stay, Howe Caverns is one of the most exciting NYS natural attractions. On your journey you will wind through limestone corridors, pass through cavernous galleries, walk under massive boulders, and take a serene boat ride on a subterranean riverbed carved over countless millennia. The cave is 52°F (11°C) so a jacket or sweatshirt and closed-toed comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Flip flops are NOT permitted in the cave. The cave tour consists of a 1.25 mile walk with a 0.25 mile boat ride. There are 139 stairs throughout the tour.
Get ready to experience the most immersive escape rooms in the Capital Region.
“The Cave” is the first of three high-tech escape rooms to open at Howe Caverns.
Do you think YOU know HOWE TO ESCAPE!?
The Ultra-Max penitentiary known as “The Cave” houses the most notorious criminal geniuses in the country. Built 15 stories underground, The Cave has the latest in cutting-edge escape deterrent technology deployed in the facility. Many infamous individuals have spent the waning years of their lives behind its triple-reinforced cell walls and state-of-the-art security systems. This distinguished clientele has resulted in multiple escape attempts, but none have been successful… until now! A motley crew of the criminal elite, led by maniacal mastermind, Stu “The Flu” Galopso, have done the impossible and breached the confines of their containment sector. Society’s most dangerous and unpredictable fugitives are now at large, and only YOU can stop them!
Escape Room By Reservation Only
All ticket sales are nonrefundable, non-transferable, and may not be exchanged.